Technological services



The Scanner technique

As a Scanner method specialist, CNS diagnoses your water systems in the field.

The Scanner system planning tool diagnoses pipe ageing by measuring internal and external corrosion. This method has several advantages:

  • non-intrusive,

  • non-destructive,

  • fast.

It can determine the level of deterioration in pipes and their remaining service life.


The Scanner technique

To determine the general condition of pipe systems, CNS takes several Scanner measurements at critical points representative of the system. The machine is placed on the unearthed pipe and analyses its full circumference up to one metre. The unique Scanner method uses the intrinsic characteristics of magnetic materials. This tool can view the magnetic response of pipes. The interpretation of this response by crews reveals the state of internal and external corrosion in the system. This analysis provides an assessment of system ageing and helps prioritise system renovation.
